Certified measuring technology for accuracy measurement
To satisfy our customers' high quality requirements, we mount all positioning systems on granite blocks isolated against vibration after manufacturing. Subsequently, our testing engineers measure and test the systems with certified and calibrated measurment technology.
- Measuring arms Cimcore / Romer
- Autocollimator
- Wyler inclinometer
- Wyler Clinotronic Plus
- Interferometer
- LaserTracker
Simulation & testing equipment
We develop, certify and accompany the manufacturing of drive system solutions. Our engineering experts have access to various testing laboratories including a wide range of measuring technology. Our testing and measuring stations meet the international standards for product certifications. With our extensive know-how we perform electrical, mechanical, climatic as well as functional low and medium voltage, control and safety tests.
- Mechanics - 3D design
- Climatic tests
- EMC test
- Thermal simulation
- Rigidity tests
- Durability tests
Tested sub-micrometer positioning systems
The JAT testing engineers ensure that our manufactured positioning and motion systems exactly meet the customer application's requirements. We test for all necessary measured and provide them via digital reports. If the customer wishes, we also test and collect further measured values. We test for:
- Resolution
- Accuracies: absolute, running, positioning, repeat accuracy
- Straightness
- Axis synchronisation
- Reversal error
More Info
EMC laboratory
Our in-house developed and manufactured servo components meet requirements of the electromagnatic compatability directive (EMC). Our developers use our EMC laboratory to test for electromagnetic interferences and interference immunity and individual customer requirements. We have various generators (ESD generator, Burst generator, surge generator), mains filters, measuring devices and specific measuring tables available for testing that we use in our product development. Furthermore, JAT uses near-field probes to examine the electromagnetic fields of cables, components and electrical circuits.
Request positioning solution
Depending on the application, JAT develops linear axis systems, rotary table systems and multi-axis systems. Please specify your application as far as you know it. Our drive experts will contact you with possible solutions and a cost estimate.